I tried to search for birthday but does not work



8 Kommentare

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    Act! Team

    Hi Angelo,

    Can you please tell us if you are changing the search drop down and selecting Birthday?

    Can you also tell us the format you are searching the birthday for?
    Ex: mm/dd/yyyy

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Angelo,

    Sorry for the delay, I have reached out to the development team to find out why the birthday search option is not bringing up results. I will give you an update as soon as possible.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Angelo Utro

    Yes I do. I selected Birthday in the search drop down :-)
    I tried in all formats included mm/dd/yyyy but never finds anything.

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  • Angelo Utro

    Hi, Brittany,
    I'm waiting for your solution.
    Please don't forget me.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Angelo,

    I wanted to quickly check in with you, I have reached out to the development team who have confirmed there is a defect related to birthday searches. They have added the defect to their backlog. I will give you an update once it is resolved.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Angelo Utro

    Hi Brittany,
    Have you some news for my request. It 'now been over a month.
    I think it's a very important bug to be solved quickly.
    I'm wainting for your reply as soon as possible.
    Thank you, Angelo.

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  • Act! Team

    Hello Angelo,

    There has not been an update as to when search can sort the Birthday field. I will update this thread once I receive an update from the development team.

    Please note that once an idea is passed to the development team time lines are not provided, the idea is added to the backlog and worked in various order.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Angelo Utro

    Dear Brittnay,

    This is not an idea. It 'a serious bug.
    I understand that there is up to you but I pray to send a reminder to the development team. Now I need to import the private client contacts to send birthday wishes and I absolutely need to search for contacts by date of birth.

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