Delete deactivated user and NOT get billed


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hi Good Afternoon Andy,


    Just to clarify, you'd like to remove one of your additional users from the billing taking you from 4 users to 3 users?

    Due to the way the billing system is built, you can deactivate a user from your end but to completely remove the billing for a user an action is still required at my end to remove the billing from your subscription. Therefore it requires you to either raise a post on the community or email us on success (at) wherein the Act! 365 team will remove the billing for users no longer required.


    This is being looked at for the future, as it is not ideal.


    If you could confirm the above,





    Act! 365 Team



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  • Andy Kitchener

    So I had asked for the user to be removed after being deactivated and guess what, yes I got billed for that user this month again

    PLEASE can some one resolve this!

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Andy,

    Thank you for contacting Act! 365 Support.

    I've sent you an email directly with some further information.

    Kind regards,

    Act! 365 Team

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