400 Error when trying to import Google contacts


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hi Ronald,


    Thank you for your patience, I received an update from the product manager Andy Palmer this morning.


    Gmail Import/Integration:


    The developers are working on the issue. Something changed within the authorisation on Google’s side and our developers are releasing a fix to the live servers that is scheduled to be applied by the end of November 2018


    Facebook Picture integration:


    This function allowed you to log into your Facebook account and if the contacts matched via email addresses it allowed you to bring in the photographs to your Act! database. This function was removed by Facebook after GDPR came out. It stopped letting developers getting the images of individuals you were friends with. As this service are no longer allowed. We will be removing the function from Act! 365


    Warm Regards,



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  • Act! Team

    Good Morning Ronald,

    We are aware that Google have changed something on their side that is preventing the import of contacts directly into Act! 365. Our engineers are aware and are looking to implement a fix.

    In the meantime, if you could export your google contacts to a CSV file and import them this way. Albeit an extra step but you should be able to successfully import.



    Act! 365 Team.

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  • Brian Link

    I am in a 14 day trial period.  I am getting the same error as of April 2020.  Was this ever fixed?

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