Dynamic Group - Date Range from 'Today'


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for opening a community support thread.

    I have discussed the potential of this being added to the product with Act! 365's product manager Andy. We think it would make an excellent addition to the product. Andy will take this to the developers and look to have this included in future versions. I cannot give you a time frame for this. 

    I am aware that Act! Premium has this feature but they are built on very different technologies.


    Warm Regards,


    Act! 365 Team.

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  • Nick Goodall

    Brilliant news. Thank you!

    The option of "Today" and "Today +/- X number of days" would be incredibly useful.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Nick,


    Yes, these features would be most useful.




    Act! 365 Team.

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