Act! Essentials Users


3 commentaires

  • Act! Team

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for contacting Act! Essentials Support.

    Unfortunately users are not able to edit activities when they are not the owner. Adding a user to the 'included user' field will only let them view the activity.

    User should be able to edit contacts and opportunities created by other people without any issues.

    Kind regards,

    Act! Essentials Team

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  • Paul Rogers

    Thanks for the reply.

    Do you think this will change in the near future as users not having the ability to edit activities or other data they don't own is a real issue, especially for a small business where roles overlap?

    If not then I will have to look at alternatives.




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  • Act! Team

    Hi Paul,

    I Have spoken with Andy the product manager for Act! Essentials. He informed me that we can submit it for a feature request. However the 'Roadmap' for Act! Essentials has already been planned out and agreed for at least the next 6 months.


    I appreciate that this may not have been the answer you desired.



    Act! Essentials Team.

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