Error sending campaign


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hi Evan,

    Please check your email contact list does not exceed your email contact limit for the month, if you are trying to send to more contacts this will prevent your campaign from sending.

    Please verify that all email addresses within this group are complete

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Evan Patey

    I have broken my email lists into 250 increments and that still doesn't work. Anyway, I paid for 1,500 and have less than 1,000 contacts. Could it be because I just signed up today?

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Evan,

    Thanks for confirming your contact limit, the increase or upgrade of your account would not prevent the campaign from sending. I am going to send you a direct message to gather additional information from you.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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