Can we use Act! Cloud CRM for single user or there is a minimum no. of users for the software?


11 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hello Upendra,

    Act! Cloud is currently a single user account, but are working on adding in multi-user option. Once multi-user is available it will be up to the account owner to choose to add additional users.

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Upendra Pandey

    How many emails we can send at a time & per day?

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Upendra,

    There are two ways to send emails in Act! Cloud,
    1. you can send an email from the default email provider on your computer (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook...) you can send as many of these emails as you wish.
    2. you can also choose to send emails through the Emarketing program, these emails are based on your monthly send limit and do not have a restriction to how many you send per day.
    Ex: I have 500 contacts I want to email, I would purchase a 500 email send limit and can send as may times as I wish to those limited 500 people.

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Upendra Pandey

    Please tell me the number of subscribers I can send emails to at a time?

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  • Act! Team

    You can add and send up to the purchased amount of emarketing recipients. If you purchase 500, it is limited to 500 contacts but you can send unlimited amount of emails per month to those 500 contacts. We do not limit a daily send limit, it is based on the amount of emarketing recipients you purchase.

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  • Upendra Pandey

    Great! can you tell me the pricing for it... what if we want 10,000 subscribers!

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Upendra,

    Of course, the price would be $60 per month unless you change the Emarketing recipient list. The break down of price is listed below.

    Act! Cloud account; $10/mo
    E marketing: 10 * 5.00 = $50.00
    (Emarketing recipients are priced 1,000 = $5.00/mo

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Upendra Pandey

    Its too high! where some other CRM companies are offering every next 1000 recipients in just 5cents :)

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  • Upendra Pandey

    Can we set up meetings in it?

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Upendra,

    Yes you can schedule meetings. I would recommend starting a free trial to get the full experience of Act! Cloud.

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Allen Duet

    Act! Essentials now supports multiple users. you can of, course, continue to use it as a single user there are no minimums for users.

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