Data sorting


5 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hi Steve,

    Records are sorted by First name or Last name followed by a field in Act! Essentials (company, email....).
    The search filed at the top of your account will search the selected field from the drop down menu to the left for the key word you submitted.
    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Steve Perry

    Thank you. Is it possible to search by company and not the contact name. I have imported a number of contacts who all work for the same organisation but have different records and in different locations. When searching it would be helpful to be able to see the Compnay before the contcat. Thoughts?

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Steve,

    When looking at the search bar at the top of your account you can click the drop down menu to the left and select Company. After adding the company name click search and all contacts who have the same Company listed will appear below.

    After your search is complete you can add those contacts to a group and title the group with the Company name.

    Currently the only way to list accounts is by First name Or Last name followed by the field you have selected.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Steve Perry

    OK Thanks. I think that this would be a very useful feature and request this is added as a possible future update?

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Steve,

    We love feature ideas! Can you click the blue bubble icon to the bottom right of your Act! Essentials account? It is a feedback tool we use and the info is provided to our development team for review.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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