iOS App


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hello Chad,

    Thank you for contacting Act! Cloud

    Currently there is not a downloadable app for Act! Cloud. You can however access Act! Cloud from a web window when internet service is available (Safari, Chrome, Firefox...).

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Chad Fox

    Thank you Brittany. I assume the photos on the website are a mockup or prototype since they don't resemble what it looks like from within Safari? Do you have a timeline of when an app will be released? I would want a dedicated app before signing up for a $10/mo subscription. Thank you.


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  • Act! Team

    Hi Chad,

    At the current time there is no set time frame on when an app will be released. Can direct or tell me what portion of the website images you are referring to so I can answer your questions a bit better?

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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