Act! Cloud Integration with CTI App


2 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Allen Duet

    Act! Cloud currently has a REST based web service - it sounds like you've found that interface. We're still working on exposing custom data types and controls, and we'll have more of the UI extensibility of cloud available later this year. With the current UX we call all phone field actions with the tel: protocol handler, if your CTI solution supports tel: it will already work for outbound calls.

    If you have a soft interface for your CTI solution you can screen pop a contact record in Act! Cloud by querying the contacts interface. A positive return will give you the URL for the contact record - having the client call that URL will get right to that contact record.

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  • Syed Asad Ali

    Hello Act! Team,
    We are trying to develop a plugin that could make an outbound call from Act! Cloud Contact(s). How could we achieve it?

    We observed that on phone number field there is a tag with "tel:"
    which could open the desktop application and make the call to

    the contacts, so my question is that, is this the only way to this
    (the hurdle is that, we have to write the desktop application that is
    installed on each computer and the could make the call.)

    Furthermore, we have require more details of the contacts like Contact Id,
    Contact Name, and Interaction Description and the custom fields.

    Thanks in Advance
    Syed Asad Ali.

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