Import CSV file into Act Cloud with Greek characters


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hello Minos,

    Thank you for contacting Act! Cloud.

    Currently there are no known special characters that are restricted from importing CSV files. I would recommend checking the headers you are trying to import, below is a link with recommended headers.

    Please let us know if this helps successfully import your file.

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • minos liakos

    Thanks Brittany. But I do not have a problem with the headers. In fact the information contains Greek characters in names & addresses. These characters are not transferred properly during the CSV import.

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  • Act! Team

    Hello Minos,

    Sorry for the delay, we are testing different characters and will give you an update as soon as possible.

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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