Is it an app ?


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Act! Team

    Hello Tim,

    Thank you for your post.

    Currently Act! Cloud is not an app and would need internet access to log in.
    Let me get clarification to your second question.
    Relating to your third question can you please tell me if you are using the Swiftpage Connect emarketing or the Act-Emarketing?

    I will follow up with your second question shortly.

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud Team

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  • Lindsey Weinig

    Hi Tim,

    For your second question, Act! Cloud will retain phone numbers for contacts that have been added/imported to Act! Cloud, and you can click the phone number to call the contact directly from the Act! Cloud contact detail view from your phone. Act! Cloud does not currently record an activity for calls made to or received from those contacts. Those details have to be entered manually currently.

    Act! Cloud Team

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  • Act! Team

    Hello Tim,

    Great news, I have spoken with some of the team members from Development and they are working on an app for iOS and Android devices. As of right now there is no schedule for when those will be released. I recommend visiting the Product Announcement section of the community for updates and new features of Act! Cloud.

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud Team

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