Error Contacts Not Showing


3 commentaires

  • Act! Team

    Hi Susan,


    Thanks for contacting Act! Essentials Support. 

    In Act! Essentials, when you click on a group from the left hand side. You will see an edit button in the top right of the screen.

    When you click the edit button it will provide you with the delete option.

    Did any of the contacts import into your Act! Essentials database?


    Act! Essentials Team

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  • Ian G Carmichael

    When I login to ACT it locks up and will not display my only contact. If I cancel I can see all other things excep contacts.


    Opportunities, Agenda, Emarketing are all there.


    Not a good start, I only have 1 contact.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Ian,

    Do you get any error messages when you log in to your account?

    If you log in to Act! Essentials in a different browser, do you have the same issue? Could you also try clearing your browser cache and logging in again?

    Kind regards,

    Act! Essentials Team.

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