Act! 365 - The campaign by email can not be sent at this time


3 Kommentare

  • Act! Team

    Hi Juan,

    Thank you for contacting Act! 365 Support.

    I've tested sending a campaign from my account and it seems to be working fine. We're not aware of any service outages yesterday either.

    Can you confirm that all of the contacts that you're sending to have valid email addresses? Can you also try to send a test campaign to just one person?

    Act! 365 Team

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  • Juan Otero

    Thanks for your quick response - The User Says ...

    I already validated the email addresses (I deleted the bounced and deactivated mails)

    I sent a campaign to only one person and it was sent correctly and it arrived perfect.

    I still have the problem with a group of 983 contacts, I keep throwing the same error.


    Thanks Act! 365 Team for any help...

    Act! 365 USER:  Sebastian Pilolla - - MICROCONTROL ARGENTINA



    .....  JUAN CARLOS OTERO - Act! Support for Latin America and the Caribbean

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Juan,

    I've sent you an email to get some further information.

    Kind regards,


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