
1 Kommentar

  • Act! Team

    Hi Mandy,

    I have spoken with the marketing team and the Act! Essentials product manager on when the briefing will be ready but I haven't been given an concrete date at this time. They informed me within the next two coming weeks.

    As Act! Essentials is our more streamlined/simplified product, it does provide 5 custom fields that could be used for GDPR purposes.

    You could use one of these fields to be a marker as to whether your contact has Opted in or Out of receiving your phone calls, Faxes, emails and mailings.

    Some of our customers are using our E-marketing services to contact their customers/contacts and gain their permissions using the service.

    This would require each of your contacts opening the E-Marketing E-blast and then responding to it and providing permissions which we can all agree,  not every contact is going to do this. However this would assist you when customers do reply and you could either update specific custom fields or record their responses in closed activities.

    To reiterate, the briefing for both Act! Essentials and Act! Premium customers will be coming in the next few weeks. I will update you when it is ready.



    Act! Essentials Team.

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