

5 Kommentare

  • Act! Team

    Good afternoon,

    Thank you for contacting Act! Essentials Support.

    You can view all of your contacts by clicking on the 'contacts button' on the left hand side of Act! Essentials and then selecting 'All Contacts'.

    If you do this, can you still only see one contact? If so, can you confirm whether you received any errors during your import?

    Kind regards,

    Act! Essentials Team

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  • ghopkins

    It said all my contacts were imported . 500 , it asked me for a group name   which I gave to the import . I click that and they are still not there

    Am I doing something wrong ?


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  • Act! Team

    Hi GHopikins,


    Can you confirm that you're not seeing the new group?


    Also, you chose to import the new contacts into a specific group?




    Act! Essentials Team

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  • ghopkins

    It says i have imported 479 contacts , but I can't find them. It asks me to name the import which I do. Its my 5th attempts and I am about finished trying and moving to another cannot be that hard to import data surely ?


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  • Act! Team

    Hi GHopkins, 


    That's correct. You said that right at the end of the import, you're asked to name the import. Or assign it to a group. Are you not seeing the group once the import has been completed.

    It may be best to troubleshoot this on your account. I am sending you an email.



    Act! Essentials team.

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