Email Campaign Error


6 Kommentare

  • Act! Team

    Hi Kent,

    Sorry to hear that the mail merge seems to not be working. Can you please provide the error message you get? Can you also show how the mail merge appears in your template?

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Wendy Madonna

    Sorry if this post is a repeat.  I couldn't find the original one I posted earlier.  I just set up a new small group with 17 people to send an email campaign.  I've tried to send it out about 5 times using 2 different web browsers.  Here is the message I receive: 

    There was an issue sending your campaign.

    Your email campaign can not be sent at this time.

    Please try again later.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Wendy,

    Thank you for contacting Act! Essentials Support.

    Can you confirm that all of the contacts that you're trying to send to have an email address on their record? If so, can you please ensure that all email addresses are in the correct format.

    If you continue to have issues, please don't hesitate to get back in touch.

    Kind regards,

    Act! Essentials Team

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  • Wendy Madonna


    Ah, all have correct emails except for 2.  I have removed them and tried it again.  The same thing happened.    


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  • Wendy Madonna

    There are some in there that have the alternate email chosen.  Will it accept those in the campaign?  Even if it didn't, wouldn't it at least send to the main email folks?  Thanks

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Wendy,


    I have replied directly to your email address.

    You would be correct in saying that the E-Marketing platform is checking the primary email address field in your Essentials database. I've emailed you a CSV file of your contacts. You can address each contact showing with 'Alternative Email' and move it into Primary Email and this should resolve your issue.




    Act! Essentials Team

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