

3 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Act! Team

    Hi Thom,

    When you are viewing the Agenda you can view all task for the day. If you do not see any events listed for the current day there is nothing planned.

    Act! Essentials is meant to show you all current and upcoming events.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Wendy Madonna

    Is there a way to set up the Agenda where the items stay until you complete them?  I want to be able to see my agenda for the whole month.  I realized that if I skipped a day and don't have any follow-up for that day, I have to remember to go back on previous days to see what I needed to do.  Thoughts?  Thanks

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Wendy,

    On a side note. you could put them in as a task, although they are not currently linked to an activity (coming in the future).

    The task list on the right shows until you have marked them as complete.



    Act! Essentials Team

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