Contacts with Duplicate Names not imported from .CSV


6 Kommentare

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    Act! Team

    Hi Michael,

    Can you confirm if the contacts being imported have the same First and Last name? or is only one field the customers have similarity in?

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Michael Brown

    The issue occurs for multiple contacts that only have a first name and that first name is the same, example "Bill". All other contact information is different, company, location, phone, etc.

    This also occurs for contacts with the same first and last name, example "John Smith". All other contact information is different, company, location, phone, etc.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Michael,

    The contacts would only be considered duplicates if the following info is the same First name + Last name + email address. Can you confirm if that data is the same for contacts but their address, phone and other fields are different?

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Michael Brown

    None of the contacts imported had email addresses. Email address field would be blank for all contacts.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Michale,

    Thank you for providing the additional information. Our system will consider anyone with the same first name + last name + email address as a duplicate.
    If you are importing contacts that are have the same first name/last name but no email they will be considered a duplicate in the account.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Michael Brown

    Ok. Well that's dumb.

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