OMG where do you find tech support


3 Kommentare

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    Act! Team

    Hello Cesar,

    Thank you for contacting Act! Cloud.

    Act! Cloud is a self service product with no live phone or chat support. Please post additional questions you have in our community for a team member or user to provide solutions or advice.

    Please see answers to your questions below:
    1. No, Act! Cloud is not compatible with Act! as there is no integration.
    2. Yes, you can import your current contacts by a CSV file to Act! Cloud. Please review the following article:
    3. Act! Cloud will not reflect a custom layout from Act! as they are separate products.
    4. If an error occurs information will be requested for the team to reproduce and find solution.
    5. General questions will have a 4 business hour time window. If you are reporting an issue that requires additional research you will be contacted when a solution is available.
    6. Act! Cloud cannot currently import reports or letters.
    7. Act! Cloud is a single user account but technically you can access Act! Cloud from multiple web browsers at one time, this is not not recommended.
    *This has not be tested for Act! Cloud, if you share your log in details you run the risk of a user to delete or make changes to your contact list there is no way to back up deleted or previous information.
    8. Currently there is not a feature to attach files into Act! Cloud.

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Cesar Barbosa
    1. Is it compatible with Act by Sage?
    2. Can I import my current database from Act By Sage Premium 2012?
    3. Will it accept my custom layout I have in my database I want to import?
    4. If there are database, or functionality issues, do you troubleshoot and fix that?
    5. If I inquire about an issue I'm having how long does it take to hear something back?
    6. Can I import my current custom reports and letters?
    7. Can 4 users access the same database and be able to edit them?
    8. Can I attach reports or letters I printed to a contact?
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  • Act! Team

    Hello Cesar,
    I apologize for the delay in response to the second set of questions you posted. I have provided the questions and answers below:
    1. Is it compatible with Act by Sage? No, Act! Cloud is a separate solution from Act!
    2. Can I import my current database from Act By Sage Premium 2012? Yes, please follow the link provided below for information on exporting data from Act! and importing into Act! Cloud
    3. Will it accept my custom layout I have in my database I want to import? No, Act! Cloud does not have the same layout as Act! You can customize up to 5 data fields in Act! Cloud
    4. If there are database, or functionality issues, do you troubleshoot and fix that? If you come across an error with Act! Cloud please post a comment in the Community for a team member to follow up with you
    5. If I inquire about an issue I'm having how long does it take to hear something back? A team member will reply to your post within 4 business hours. If it is a situation that requires additional assistance from other team’s we will update and contact you as soon as possible.
    6. Can I import my current custom reports and letters? No, Act! Cloud does not currently have the ability to import letters or reports.
    7. Can 4 users access the same database and be able to edit them? As Act! Cloud is accessible from multiple web browsers at one time we do not recommend multiple users access the account at one time. If one user edits a field or deletes contacts there is no way to hold them accountable.
    8. Can I attach reports or letters I printed to a contact? No, Act! Cloud does not currently have the ability to print/run reports or create letters.

    Kind Regards,
    Brittany Roberts

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