Failed import - urgent


4 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Act! Team

    Hi Clare,

    As you are uploading a CSV file please see the article below to ensure it is mapped correctly.

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud Team

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  • Act! Team

    Hello Clare,
    Thank you for your post.
    Can you please tell me how you tried importing your contacts (CSV, Google, iCloud or VCF)?

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud team

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  • James Burchell

    Thanks for your reply - it was via CSV file...

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  • James Burchell

    Hi Brittany,
    Thanks so much for the info, I re-formatted the sheet to exactly the same as on the list and they have now imported into the cloud successfully!
    Thanks for your help,

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