Importing Contacts from iCloud


4 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Lindsey Weinig

    Hi David,

    We've developed a couple fixes that should resolve your issue if you can attempt your import again? If you still have the issue we will reach out to you again to directly address your issue.

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud Team

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  • Act! Team

    Hello David,

    Thank you for your post.

    Do all of your contacts have a first name & last name field filled in?

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud Team

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  • David Mozes

    I'm sure some don't have first and last name filled in. I have over 2 thousand contacts and I'm sure some of them don't have all the fields filled in. Are you thinking that's why the import gets stuck?

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  • Act! Team

    Hi David,

    I am currently looking into this error for you and will update this post when I have an answer for you.

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud team

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