Calendar in Act Cloud?


5 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Act! Team

    Hello David,

    Thank you for your post.

    The Act! Cloud team is currently working on adding a calendar, it does take some time but they are working hard at getting it added. We love feedback and think feature request are awesome, as you are in your Act! Cloud account if there is something you think is missing can you click on the blue icon from the bottom right corner, it will ask you to rate Act! Cloud and enter feedback.

    I would also recommend visiting the community section titled Product Announcements, this is where you can find what has been changed and what is in the works right now to be added.

    Act! Cloud Team

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  • Allen Duet

    I just saw some of the Calendar feature working in our development environments so calendaring isn't far off. One of the things we currently have is integration to add your activities in Act! Cloud to other calendars (like Google calendar, iCal, or Outlook).

    This is available in your account section in Apps and Integration, go to the iCal Integration section.



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  • Barry Godofsky

    Calendar integration to Outlook is just what the doctor ordered!
    I have a subscription to Outlook 365 which I guess is a "cloud" application. Will ACT integrate with that? If so, please provide idiot-proof step-by-step instructions for me. Thanks.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Barry,

    Thank you for your post.
    I have included one of our Knowledgebase articles that will explain how Act! Cloud will integrate with outlook.

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud Team

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  • Barry Godofsky

    Brittany. Thanks for the Outlook sharing link. I was doing OK til I got to item 8 referring me to "other calendar". Couldn't find it anywhere. That's why I asked for idiot-proof step-by-step instructions. I understand YOU know where these icons are....but I don't. Again, I am subscribing to Outlook 365. Please provide STEP-BY-STEP instructions, including both what to do and where to find what I am looking for. Thanks.

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