Sort Contacts by Company Name First


2 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Act! Team

    Hi Michael,

    I would also suggest creating a group of everyone within a particular company. This will allow you to create a rule, for example all contacts with are in a group titled ABC. Within that company group you can have the contacts then listed with First name or Last name than the field.

    Kind Regards,
    Act! Cloud Team

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  • Act! Team

    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for your Post.
    At the current time you can only sort or list contacts by first name/last name and one of the fields in Act! Cloud. It is a great feature request, that I will add to the list. If you think of any other great features or ways you would want to see Act! Cloud work please enter your idea or feedback by clicking the blue icon (star in the middle) at the bottom right of your screen.

    Thank you,
    Act! Cloud team

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