Error Message when sending email campaign


3 Kommentare

  • Act! Team

    Hi Sherry,


    Can you confirm the issue is still outstanding? I've sent today without error on my test account.


    Act! Essentials Team

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  • Sherry Finzer

    Yes I have tried again twice today.

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  • Act! Team

    Hi Sherry,


    I have just performed a send from my own Act! Essentials database using my own account. Therefore the platform is working. However this does not resolve your issue. Checking your account I can see the two 'September Promotions' eblasts you sent on the 21st. 
    I can also see that you have only used 88 of your 500 contacts list.

    As long as you are not attempting to send a campaign to over 413 contacts I cannot see an issue for it to fail.

    Attempting to send a campaign with invalid or empty email addresses is the only reason it would fail. 




    Act! Essentials Team

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