Bounced emails


3 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Act! Team

    Hello Wayne,

    Can you confirm if you are requesting how to delete the email address that bounced during an emarketing campaign?

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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  • Wayne J. Rizzi

    Hi Brittany,

    That is correct, however I have hundreds that came back as bounced (old list that had a lot of outdated email addresses) and I want to group them (select them all) and delete all at the same time. Thank you.

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  • Act! Team

    Hello Wayne,

    The emarketing Bounced list will direct you to each individual contact, you will need to sort each contact individually as there is not an option to search for all Bounced contacts and updated a large group at once.

    Thank you,
    Brittany Roberts

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